Up to 75% off Discount on Twistys
$19.95 for 30 days
$7.95 per month for one year
What’s up, folks? I’m pretty sure guys have been busy hunting for some new porn resources during your break times. That’s why we’re here again today for a quick site review to which Twistys will be put on the spot.
Some Personal Thoughts
I signed up into the T last year and I have been renewing my subscription since, every three months. I find it a much more promising option since the site profusely updates its databases and it would be pretty taxing to leave and just come back. Renewing saves a lot of trouble having to go through the whole credit card processing again. Anyhow, here are a couple thoughts I have:
-The forum page tends to be optimally interactive with it being an attractive space to vent out some opinions about certain videos in the Twister’s threshold. So if you love to meet people over the web, you might even get a chance to get laid with the few but totally sexual women lurking around here. Just give it a little push.
-The user interface is friendly by being simplistic yet appealing. The thumbnails are stringently picked so as to not spoil but attract the naked eye.
-All the videos are well-polished in a sense that they seem really natural. It is definitely not a hard thing to immerse yourself into prurient imagination for a total masturbation experience.
Twistys actually lives by its name, or at least to what it is supposed to sound like. You may think it twisted with the several thousands of videos it displays for the pleasure for every member. To be exact, there are 6,480 movies, which the creators of the site plan to expand before the year 2014 ends to another set of 500. Not all the videos are in HD, but you can definitely expect nothing less than high quality. If you love Busty Ones, Blue Fantasies and Annette, this is their common ground among several hundreds of more famous porn stars out there. You can also opt into the photo albums, which the site has over 1,710 in its keeping.
One of the takeaways from T’s is that it gives a lot of vintage imagery without making it feel odd for the viewers. It’s more of a life giver to what once was to make it a thing of today. Overall with the Twistys discount special, it’s a win-win experience for your money’s worth. Just like parties and booze!